It is compiled by the partner of the Platform - an Independent Appraiser / Estimator at market prices. Further based on the estimate, we conduct an internal tender among our partners in construction and repair, and as a result You will be able to sign HONEST contract with a detailed estimate, quality assurance and the FIXED FINAL COST of all work. No overpayments and at the best price!
Составление ОБЪЕКТИВНОЙ СМЕТЫ строительных/ремонтных работ и ПОДБОР подрядчика
SKU: 366615376135191
RUB 15,000.00Price
Our Discount Real Estate platform gives a clear guarantee that the estimator / appraiser is a completely independent specialist and does not work in any of our partner contractors for construction, renovation, design and landscaping, among which there is an internal tender for the best for you the terms of the contract!